Name Vanity License Plates
So you have a first name and want to put it on your car, get a vanity license plate. We have tons of other people who put their name on their license plate. Check out all of the name vanity license plates we have captured.
Personalized Mercedes-Benz vanity license plate idea: NAGOJI NAGOJI has a vanity license plate on their Mercedes-Benz ML350. According to this name likely has less…Read more
Today’s vanity license plate NAI WEN on a Toyota 4Runner initially we thought was just a typical driver and passenger initials, until quite honestly we…Read more
Nothing too crazy to see here just Mr. CFP who drives around in his silver Chrysler 300.
Personalized Audi vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: CICCONE At first glance this Audi A4 has a basic vanity license plate. However if…Read more
Thanks to Elise for sending in today’s vanity license plate, J Leon, loves showing off that they have a Dodge Durango with their name on…Read more
Well this isn’t the most interesting vanity license plate we’ve come across, but a perfectly centered set of what we are guessing are the drivers…Read more
Personalized Subaru vanity license plate idea inspired by name: SANTMAT We are pretty sure that Santmat is an Indian name, and for whatever reason Indians…Read more
Personalized Ford F-150 Truck vanity license plate idea inspired by wood: WOOD Do you ever good Wood in your truck? Well what if you F-150…Read more
Personalized Nissan vanity license plate idea: HYDBDI While while vanity license plate appears to be a riff on hybrid, we strongly suspect it a more…Read more
Personalized Cadillac vanity license plate idea inspired by initials: DSG Oh yay a driver with an expensive $80,000 vehicle, and no creative bones in their…Read more
Personalized Dodge Charger vanity license plate inspired by being a doctor: LIZIMS Well we found the vanity license plate LIZIMS it isn’t the ever popular…Read more
Personalized Mazda vanity license plate idea inspired by a last name: LEKHA Lekha is a name usually with Greek’s. However more surprising than the name…Read more
Personalized Jeep vanity license plate idea: RHINO18 It is somewhat surprising that RHINO is popular enough that we are looking at RHINO18 vanity license plate…Read more
Personalized Nissan vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: MY ANDY Well typically guys name their vehicles after girls. We are not sure if…Read more
Personalized Jeep vanity license plate idea: 3JSN2TS Another day another Jeep Wrangler Vanity License plate, however we admit it, it’s a boring one. They can’t…Read more
Personalized Mercedes-Benz vanity license plate idea inspired by being a doctor: DR FEA Paging DR FEA, we know that doctors love showing off their flashy…Read more
Well TAMI T couldn’t just be happy with a fancy looking Chrysler 300, she had to go out and put her name on it for…Read more
Personalized Michigan Pontiac Vanity Plate Idea inspired by a name: JADAPOO JADAPOO we figure is like a petname for a person like a cheekypoo or…Read more
We found TAKU519 vanity license plate we found on a Toyota RAV4. While Toyota is the number one selling brand globally it isn’t super common…Read more
Ford Explorer inspired personalized vanity license plate idea: MS ACA MS ACA has a Ford Explorer, and boy it looks like it is being put…Read more