Name Vanity License Plates
So you have a first name and want to put it on your car, get a vanity license plate. We have tons of other people who put their name on their license plate. Check out all of the name vanity license plates we have captured.
Personalized Infiniti vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: HBS Well it is typical for wealthy vehicle owners to use their initials of their…Read more
Personalized Infiniti vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: SX XS We don’t know why this is the case but for some reason in…Read more
Personalized Mercedes-Benz vanity license plate idea: JHE This Mercedes-Benz sporting what appears to be a a boring ass initials of the owerns name. More money,…Read more
Personalized Jeep Wrangler vanity license plate idea inspired by Godzilla: GEBARA We have a suspision that this Jeep Wrangler vanity plate idea is a sort…Read more
Personalized Tesla Model Y Vanity License Plate Idea possibly inspired by Aryan Nations Network: ANN88 This is a difficult vanity plate to post for us…Read more
Personalized Honda vanity license plate idea: MRBATTE Here’s a light-hearted rhyme song about a day in the life of Mr. Batte, who drives a Honda:…Read more
Personalized Ford Escape vanity license plate idea inspired by initials of a name: RDC For reasons that probably highlight some sort of subsidized lease payment…Read more
Personalized Honda vanity license plate idea: SD MIGZ Given the proximity of where we spotted this, we figure that this is a San Diego fan,…Read more
Personalized Honda vanity license plate idea: KAMPRET This is an interesting vanity plate find from our archives. As it turns out that “Kampret” is a…Read more
Personalized Honda vanity license plate idea: PETREE4 Super random California vanity plate as boring as the Honda Pilot that it’s hanging on. Looking for more…Read more
Personalized Lexus vanity license plate idea: WU LING It is worth noting that “Wuling” (without a space) is a brand associated with a Chinese automotive…Read more
Personalized Cadillac vanity license plate idea inspired by a Pennsylvania area code: 717 Cadillac Drivers love to have some vanity license plates, and often they…Read more
Personalized Volkswagen vanity license plate idea: BLU BOI Well this Volkswagen driver must have to hold back their excitement while they are driving this VW…Read more
Personalized Chevrolet Corvette Vanity License Plate Idea inspired by being glad: BNYGLYD This um rare sight of a Corvette Convertible being driven in the Michigan…Read more
Ford Explorer Sport Trac inspired personalized vanity license plate idea we hope is inspired by loving the the show Ozark: RUTH746 Oh boy, we hope…Read more
Personalized Nissan vanity license plate idea: AAHANA “Aahana” is a name of Indian origin, commonly used as a girl’s name. It has various meanings and…Read more
Personalized Ford Mustang Vanity License Plate Idea inspired by a name: JACQLYN Its impossible to not talk about the hilarious Key & Peele Substitute Teacher…Read more
Personalized Tesla Model Y Vanity License Plate Idea: ARI 07 Today’s Tesla Model Y personalized Michigan vanity plate of the day is ARI 07. General…Read more
Personalized Tesla Model Y Vanity License Plate Idea inspired by a name: SHRIYA2 Today’s Tesla Model Y personalized Michigan vanity plate of the day is…Read more
Personalized Ford F-150 Truck vanity license plate idea: TSSS 1 The letters “TSSS” could be initials that hold personal significance to the vehicle owner, such…Read more