Medical Vanity License Plates

Whether a doctor, a nurse, or just work in healthcare we have some medical related vanity license plates and ideas for you.

NTROPY - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mazda vanity license plate idea inspired by Entropy: NTROPY We translate today’s Ohio vanity license plate into Entropy. Which is interesting as it is…Read more

RN4KIDS - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Lexus vanity license plate idea inspired by being a registered nurse for kids: RN4KIDS This Michigan registered personalized vanity license plate RN4KIDS we translate to…Read more

DR DGTR - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Ford Escape vanity license plate idea inspired by doctors daughter: DR DGTR Doctors love to equip their vehicles with vanity license plates that explain…Read more

VSOFM - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Audi vanity license plate idea inspired by being immortal: VSOFM Vision Specialists of Michigan, would also imply that this is a doctor vanity license…Read more

ICSKPPL - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Volvo vanity license plate idea inspired by being a doctor:  ICSKPPL This Michigan registered personalized vanity license plate ICSKPPL translates to I see Sick…Read more

MOE DOC - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by being a doctor: MOE DOC Small cars like Mini Coopers are often equipped with vanity license plates….Read more

EN7ROPY - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized BMW vanity license plate idea inspired by entropy :EN7ROPY The EN7ROPY vanity license plate we have today translates to Entropy. Which is pretty important…Read more

MOMMD - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Ford vanity license plate idea inspired by being a Mom: MOMMD So this giant Ford Econoline-150 van was spotted sporting personalized Michigan vanity license…Read more

CLK RN - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Ford Explorer inspired personalized vanity license plate idea inspired by nursing: CLK RN We’re pretty pretty sure that CLK is probably the drivers initials, and…Read more

DR JARI - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


We’ve said it many times, and we’ll say it again doctors and medical professionals love personalized vanity license plates. Today this driver we found DR…Read more

(M)OLARS - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized GMC vanity license plate idea inspired by teeth: MOLARS Hey just like lawyers are technically doctors of law, so are dentists, they are doctors…Read more

DCTRME - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Infiniti vanity license plate idea inspired by being a doctor: DCTRME We’ve said it many times, and we’ll say it again doctors and medical…Read more

PDN RN - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Jeep vanity license plate idea inspired by being a registered nurse: PDN RN This Michigan registered personalized vanity license plate PDN RN we translate…Read more

ICU DR - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Lincoln vanity license plate idea inspired by being a doctor: ICU DR With the SARS COVID-19 Pandemic hitting full second wave peaks daily, and…Read more

CURE4U - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Jeep vanity license plate idea: CURE4U Jeeps are typically though of as helping to explore new territory and overcome objectionable terrain. This driver is…Read more

MINIRN - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by military service and registered nursing: MINIRN Today we have the vanity license plate MINIRN, and it falls…Read more