Personalized Toyota Tundra truck vanity license plate idea inspired by Exceling: SL1NGR
We very rarely spot Toyota pick up trucks in the Detroit area. The further away from Detroit you get in Michigan the higher your chances of spotting a non-Detroit Three pickup truck.
Surely this is Toyota’s Truckiest Truck yet. It made an immediate impression on us compared to prior Toyota’s. It’s clear that the folks at Toyota are gunning for the full sized truck market.
The vanity plate SL1NGR we translate to be Slinger. If you don’t already know a slinger refers to a person who specializes in using a sling, a simple weapon that consists of a projectile (such as a stone, lead bullet, or clay ball) attached to a long cord or strap. The slinger swings the sling in a circular motion, releasing one end of the cord at the appropriate moment to launch the projectile at high speeds towards a target.
Slingers were historically prevalent in ancient warfare, especially during the classical period in various civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and ancient Near Eastern cultures. Slingers played an important role as ranged infantry, capable of launching projectiles with accuracy and at considerable distances. They were often deployed as part of a larger army to provide long-range support and harass enemy forces.
The sling itself is a deceptively simple weapon, but in the hands of a skilled slinger, it can be highly effective. Slingers could achieve impressive ranges and projectile velocities, making them valuable assets in battles. The ability to hit targets accurately required years of practice and skill development.
Today, slinging is primarily practiced as a sport or a historical reenactment activity rather than a military technique. Modern slingers may participate in competitions to test their accuracy and distance abilities, showcasing the historical prowess of this ancient weapon.
Looking for more inspiration for your own clever Toyota vanity license plate idea?
One of the top two brands in the world is Toyota and their drivers love vanity plates, just like flashier brands. Check out our collection of Toyota FJ Cruisers, Prius, Corolla vanity plate ideas.