Personalized Nissan vanity license plate idea: LEAF EV
We don’t see many Nissan vanity plates in Michigan. Even fewer Leaf’s even though the Leaf has been around for ages. However this Michigan driver managed to combine both the rarity of a Nissan vanity plate, and rarity of Leaf into one near perfect personalized Michigan vanity plate: LEAF EV.
Check out our collection of other personalized Nissan vanity plates
Love driving your Nissan around town but are looking for ideas for your own personalized Nissan vanity license plate? Get inspired with our large collection for your own Nissan Vanity License Plate Ideas. Maybe you are shopping for your very own Electric Vehicle, but want that special vanity plate to top it off? Well check our our EV only vanity plate collection. Or more specifically check out the Tesla only vanity plate collection here.