Personalized Lexus vanity license plate idea inspired by a name : HOLNWON

This is a rather high end Lexus sporting a personalized Michigan vanity plate, HOLNWON. In terms of translating this we’re not sure if it is Hold, and Won, or if HOLN is a name of a winner.

There is a chance that it could be the stock symbol for Holcim AG, but to have been a winner with that stock, one would have had to be invested from 2005 to right before the recession.

Looking for more Lexus and luxury vehicle themed vanity license plate ideas?

Love driving your Lexus around town but are looking for ideas for your own personalized Lexus vanity license plate?  Get inspired with our large collection for your own Lexus Vanity License Plate Ideas. Or maybe you don’t care about your Lexus as much as understanding what other well to do drivers of luxury vehicles are putting on their personalized vanity license plates?