Personalized Honda CRV vanity license plate idea inspired by being a mom: MOM TEN
We suppose that this driver could in fact be a mother of ten, but we’d expect a much larger vehicle to cart a brood that large around town. An overarching theme you man see in our overtly mom personalized vanity license plates is that most of them are not actually on the stereotypical minivan.
Typical ideas for personalized mom vanity licenses plates are dropping MOM, or M0M into your idea. Often we see a child’s name such as ZacsMOM. So if you are really planning ahead you may need to name your child a short 3 or 4 letter name.
Other ideas are more broad with sport theme mom mash ups. Like Socrmom, kidtaxi.
Looking for more Honda and mom themed vanity license plate ideas?
Seems like there are a lot of plates out there for moms; view all of our other personalized Mom Vanity License Plates to get your very own ideas. Guess what we haven’t forgotten about all of the dad’s and fathers who love vanity plates, and where would we all be without grand parents that love personalized vanity license plates?