

Personalized BMW vanity license plate idea inspired by being wealthy: TOP1327

In the last we figure 6 years, and especially in the last 4 it’s been more favorable to flash one’s wealth thanks to platforms like Instagram. So we think that is what is happening here, that this driver is in the top 1.327% of wealth in the country. Before you dismiss the Michigan license plate as yea but only in California, New York, Florida, we’ll remind you that Michigan has easily a dozen billionaires of their own that full on have residency in the state.

According to CNBC in Michigan to be in the top 1% of income annually you’d need 328,649 as a minimum, and the “average” of the top 1% of income earners actually hauls in a massive $917,701 annually. So they almost mint $1 million per year, every year! With investments these high earners are probably worth millions already. On a more national average according to Investopedia a 1% earner would be raking in more like $718,766. So it’s hard to say for certain how much this driver might be worth just on the BMW (“humble”) 5 series, and humble brag vanity license plate, but it’s safe to say, probably more than you do.

Looking for inspiration for your very own BMW Personalized Vanity Plate?

We get it, not every doctor, lawyer, or business owner has the time to dream up their very own clever vanity license plate idea without some inspiration. We have tons of personalized BMW vanity license plate ideas, come see some ideas for dropping some vanity license plates on your BMW, or other luxury vehicle brand. Whether you plan to put this on your busted ride ironically, or hang one on your brand new Lambo or other exotic vehicles you purchase that you got with your free gains we some themes for you to get fresh ideas for your vanity license plates. Money is a popular theme for personalized vanity license plate ideas, and the more gambler take on this is Reddit’s Wall Street Bets inspired ideas for personalized vanity license plates.