U of M Vanity License Plates
Personalized Buick vanity license plate idea inspired by education: 3XGRAD We get it you got an edumacation, and have lots of fancy book learning. So…Read more
Personalized Porsche vanity license plate idea inspired by being way more awesome than you at football: UM NFLU Talk about just a full on brag,…Read more
Personalized Hyundai vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: BLUE14 This Hyundai is sporting a Michigan vanity plate that is personalized with the BLUE14…Read more
Ford Explorer inspired personalized vanity license plate idea inspired by loving the University of Michigan sports: MGQBLU You know there are only so many ways…Read more
Personalized Lexus vanity license plate idea inspired by being a mom: MUM 83 Seems we have a clever usage of the University of Michigan Block…Read more
Personalized Cadillac vanity license plate idea inspired by University of Michigan sports: FNFARE This is one of our favorite Cadillac models made, however it certainly…Read more
Cadillac inspired personalized vanity license plate idea: FRE5H Well when you are in a pinch substituting out the S for your desired vanity license plate…Read more
There is a chance that the actual driver of this car is in fact the Cookie Monster, and “Me Go Blu” is a direct quote…Read more
Oh vanity can’t be much more telling than this. Okay we get it you went to U of M, oh you graduated 3 times wow…Read more