MSU Vanity License Plates
We have the best Michigan State University (MSU) Personalized Vanity License Plate ideas and creative ways to use that fancy “S” to spell out names and words. So show those University of Michigan students why Michigan State University is the best state university in Michigan. Show off your pride of your partying skills with Sparty inspired personalized vanity license plates, and the superior basketball winning team.
SIMPLY One Does not (S)imply post a new vanity plate every day in 2018, and yet that’s what we’ve been doing. You’re welcome. Without further…Read more
Personalized Jeep Grand Cherokee vanity license plate idea inspired by being smart: SMART1E So this Sparty is such a Smarty, they got the Michigan State…Read more
Personalized Cadillac vanity license plate idea inspired by Michigan State University and practicing law: SIDEBAR Michigan State University isn’t really well known for studying law,…Read more
Personalized Michigan Mercury Vanity Plate Idea inspired by a name: (S)AMMIE1 We do enjoy the creative way to use the Michigan State S with name…Read more
Any person that went to Michigan State University (SU) and happens to have an S name just gets to have some extra options for how…Read more
Personalized Saab vanity license plate idea inspired by cheering for Michigan State University: G GRN We’re sure that you like millions of Americans you may…Read more
Personalized Ford Escape vanity license plate idea inspired by sailing on a boat: SAILING This Ford Escape isn’t Sailing as much as it is sliding. …Read more
Personalized Range Rover vanity license plate idea inspired by the dentistry: DNTST This isn’t our prettiest vanity plate capture, but even with its low quality,…Read more
There are plenty of unique uses of the University vanity plates in Michigan. Here is another one from a Michigan State fan.