Mini Cooper Vanity License Plates

BB HULK - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by the Hulk: BB HULK Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates. This Mini translates…Read more

LV4LABS - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by loving Labrador Retriever’s: LV4LABS Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates. The personalized Michigan…Read more

TOFFEE1 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by loving toffee: TOFFEE1 Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates. Do you love Mini…Read more

MINIMIM - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea: MINIMIM Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates. Today it looks like this driver just attempted…Read more

HANEYFB - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by selling insurance: HANEYFB Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates. Well Haney Farm Bureau…Read more

BRUMMIE - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by: BRUMMIE Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates. This vanity plate is pretty clever…Read more

2MINI4U - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by being to mini for you: 2MINI4U Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates, this…Read more

LILWEEZ - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by being wheezy: LILWEEZ Well either this driver has some chronic asthma, or more like we suspect has…Read more

GIVENGO - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by Giving and Going: GIVENGO Mini Coopers are almost made for having vanity license plates, this one requires…Read more

HAMPSTR - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by hampsters: HAMPSTR This current Mini Cooper has a Michigan registered vanity license plate HAMPSTR is clearly trying…Read more

TOFFEE1 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by toffee: TOFFEE1 This current Mini Cooper has a Michigan registered vanity license plate TOFFEE1 is clearly trying…Read more

EXARH05 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by being important: EXARH05 This current Mini Cooper has a Michigan registered vanity license plate EXARH05 which we…Read more


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by thanking Court: TYCOURT This current Mini Cooper has a Michigan registered vanity license plate TYCOURT, now we…Read more

A2MIN10 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea: A2MIN10 Michiganders lazily abbreviate Ann Arbor as A2, or A².  Likely the Michigan registered personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate…Read more

DIMMINI - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate idea inspired by being dim: DIMMINI This Michigan registered personalized Mini Cooper vanity plate is DIMMINI which we translate this…Read more