GODB4ME - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Ford Explorer inspired personalized vanity license plate idea inspired God being for me: GODB4ME Well if today’s Michigan Vanity license plate isn’t clear enough the…Read more

IMMRTLE - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Audi vanity license plate idea inspired by being immortal: IMMRTLE This Audi driver has a Michigan registered personalized vanity license plate that we translate…Read more

M3LL0M3 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized BMW vanity license plate idea inspired by being mellow:M3LL0M3 Today we have our vanity license plate of the day M3LL0M3; which we think translates…Read more

DAWIFEY - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Dodge vanity license plate idea inspired by the military service: DAWIFEY Well someone thought it would be wise to mark their territory so to…Read more

FUJIM02 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Audi vanity license plate idea: FUJIM02 This Audi driver has a vanity plate FUJIM02 is not terribly uncommon with Audi drivers this appears to…Read more

PPLEE - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Audi vanity license plate idea: PPLEE This Ohio registered Audi driver has a vanity plate which is most likely just the drivers name. Looking…Read more

99BMC99 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Michigan Saturn Vanity Plate Idea inspired by driving numerology: 99BMC99 We present to you the latest vanity license plate 99BMC99 which is clearly some…Read more

PORKCP - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized GMC JIMMY vanity license plate idea inspired by the military service: PORKCP We found Pork Chop or at least PORKCP. Looking for more Military…Read more

CPETIT 1 - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Cadillac inspired personalized vanity license plate idea:CPETIT 1 You know what boring personalized vanity plates happen in every state, especially Ohio. We think that CPETIT1…Read more