Personalized GMC Terrain vanity plate idea inspired by a military firearm M1 Carbine gun: M1 CARB This is not our first firearms inspired personalized vanity…Read more
Personalized Mazda vanity license plate idea inspired by sailing: SAILVX We’d love to be out Sailing maybe SAILCVX can help us out? Looking for more…Read more
The focus at General Motors and Cheverolet has been away from the Camaro, and towards the ever powerful and important Corvette. VAJA had to be…Read more
Not everyone is likely to see a vanity license plate on a daily drive, let alone a Bentley. We spotted JPKUSH, JP is probably the…Read more
Just in time for the new Electric Hummer to come out we are posting our vanity license plate of the day, ADV TYM which we…Read more
Probably not exactly a “side piece” we have our vanity license plate of the day, Side Show on a very humble Chevrolet HHR.
Personalized Jeep vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: AMIP This is probably the Jeep Wrangler driver’s name and initial Ami P, who doesn’t…Read more
Somehow we suspect that this vanity license plate O JOY may actually be slightly sarcastic, more like, “O Joy I get to drive a Dodge…Read more
Happy Fathers Day 2021! The drive of this Lincoln SUV has been busy, according to his Michigan Vanity License plate he’s a PAPA5X, which likely…Read more
TAZTXI which we suspect is mostly shuttling children around town to school, and various activities.
Personalized Chevrolet Camaro vanity license plate idea: 6GENUSA The Camaro is relatively unloved American Muscle car, it was completely thrown away for a number of…Read more
Personalized Range Rover vanity license plate idea inspired by puffing the hooka: HOOKAH1 Someone must have beat this Range Rover driver to the original HOOKAH…Read more
Personalized Mercedes-Benz vanity license plate idea: PEG1TOY We hope that this is somehow Peggy’s 1 Toy, not some other dirty meaning. Looking for more Mercedes-Benz…Read more
Personalized BMW vanity license plate idea inspired by: BOOMEE Not sure if the “R” for BOOMER was taken or if this driver is trying to…Read more
Ironically this was found parked at a Duluth Trading company, where unironically most of their clothing is made overseas.
Religious inspired personalized vanity license plate idea inspired by Faith: BY F8TH We translate today’s vanity Michigan license plate BY F8TH to be By Faith….Read more
We’d rather BESALIN than posting vanity license plates, but we are addicted to posting vanity license plates, you are welcome that we are helping to…Read more
Personalized Jeep Wrangler vanity license plate idea inspired by driving a TJ Wrangler: TJLOVER We found a personalized Michigan Jeep Wrangler TJ rocking a rare…Read more
Personalized Michigan Mercury Vanity Plate Idea inspired by a name: CHIEF01 The Mercury brand was killed off a number of years ago to the dismay…Read more
We have CUTTERZ as our vanity license plate today.