Author Archive
Personalized Lincoln vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: MARGO 7 Margo isn’t a super popular name, and we would be surprised if there…Read more
Personalized Honda Ridgeline truck vanity license plate inspired by technology: TECHXR2 We found a brave soul who decided to buck the common sense wisdom, to…Read more
Ever wonder how that piece of metal on the back and sometimes the front of your vehicle (Ohio). Wonder no more. For the longest time…Read more
Cadillac inspired personalized vanity license plate idea: LADY KA We found a Lady Ka, vanity license plate. We think it’s like a pun on the…Read more
Personalized Michigan Saturn Vanity Plate Idea inspired by packing videos: VDEOPKR We found a Video Packer? Maybe this person literally packs videos into boxes that…Read more
Personalized Jeep vanity license plate idea inspired by parenting: ISAIDNO ISAIDNO is so good. This might be one of our favorite vanity license plates we…Read more
Personalized Ford Edge vanity license plate idea: VE3NGV VE3NGV is still a bit of a mystery to us? If you can figure it out please…Read more
This driver just really thinks that the University of Michigan excels. The schools sports teams haven’t been super great in recent memory, and except for…Read more
KDEEZY’s vanity license plate isn’t overly interesting. It might be more interesting that they purchased a Dodge Dart.
Personalized Michigan Pontiac Vanity Plate Idea inspired by a name: RANSG6 Right before the collapse of the global economy into the Great Recession Pontiac (R.I.P)…Read more
Personalized Volkswagen vanity license plate idea inspired by lasers: HIGHYAG This would be lost on a ton of drivers around the states, but trust us…Read more
Personalized Volvo vanity license plate idea inspired by: AIR MSTR We found an Air Master, who apparently got grounded, and was left to drive this…Read more
Personalized Ford F-150 Truck vanity license plate idea inspired by golf: NOBOGYS Vanity license plates for golf are about as exciting as the sport of…Read more
Personalized Chevrolet Silverado Truck vanity license plate idea inspired by snack foods: CHEETOS It took me a long time to finally capture Cheetos. I happened…Read more
Kirbs20 got a vanity license plate to,show off on that Dodge Neon. We don’t see many Neons on the road these days.
Personalized Ford Edge vanity license plate idea inspired by building skills: SKLBLDR We found a SKLBLDR which is probably some sort of teacher or trainer…Read more
PAMSISU seems like it is supposed to be PAM Si’s U. As in she can see you. Well Pam now we can all see your…Read more
Personalized Mazda vanity license plate idea inspired by probably enjoying chicken tendees: TENDEE Tendee seems like a play on a real name, but it doesn’t…Read more
Personalized Nissan vanity plate idea: YOSHIM YOSHIM got a vanity license plate for their Nissan Maxima. Check out our collection of other personalized Nissan vanity…Read more
Personalized Chevrolet Colorado Truck vanity license plate idea inspired by a name: 1968LEO Seems like too much information Leo I mean come on! No one…Read more