Author Archive

MZFANCY - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Cadillac vanity license plate idea inspired by Music: MZFANCY Here is MZ Fancy she really thinks she’s awesome in her Cadillac STX. We will…Read more

PANI CT - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


So this is a prime example of your favorite idea for a personalized vanity license plate is taken. Example PANICT, well this Chevrolet Camaro driver…Read more

KIDZDOC - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Scion vanity license plate idea inspired by being a doctor for kids: KIDZDOC So we very respectfully hope that this is a pediatrician, and…Read more

HVSC - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Mercedes-Benz vanity license plate idea: HVSC Sure HVSC. Since we aren’t sure what it means we’ll guess that it means Have Sour Cream. What…Read more

MOMSMLZ - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Ford Escape vanity license plate idea inspired by being a mom: MOMSMLZ We’ll just dedicate this little post to my mom. Looking for more…Read more

GR8SPEY - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Toyota vanity license plate idea inspired by neutered pets: GR8SPEY We think this is essentially saying Great Spey, like the old Bob Barker Spay…Read more

1 ZIGGY - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Chrysler minivan vanity license plate idea: 1 ZIGGY We figure 1 Ziggy is the drivers name somehow. Nothing super exciting. Check back tomorrow we’ll…Read more

BLKG1RL - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Jeep Grand Cherokee vanity license plate idea inspired by Black colored Jeep: BLKG1RL We really think they are referring to the color of the…Read more

(S) DNTST - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Range Rover vanity license plate idea inspired by the dentistry: DNTST This isn’t our prettiest vanity plate capture, but even with its low quality,…Read more

1RONMAN - Vanity License Plate by Busted Ride


Personalized Chrysler minivan vanity license plate idea: 1RONMAN We don’t know how these guys who run crazy marathons do it, but this guy 144.6 that…Read more