Personalized Audi vanity license plate idea inspired by thanking grandma: TY GRAM

This lucky driver’s Grandmother must have helped them get this Audi convertible…We’re up for adoption, or cars whatever.

We wish our grandma could buy us a car, any car really. However this driver’s gram seemed like she was able to hook this driver up with a new (at the time) Audi A4 convertible.

Did we already mention that we’re also available for adoption.

Looking for more grand parent, or Audi themed vanity license plate ideas?

If you are a grand parent looking for new personalized vanity plate ideas, look no further.

Oh so you like zee German Audi vanity license plates, looking for ideas for your very own personalized Audi vanity plate? Check out our collection of personalized Audi A3, A4, R8, and TT vanity license plate ideas here and more from our daily posts. Or maybe you don’t care about your Audi as much as understanding what other well to do drivers of luxury vehicles are putting on their personalized vanity license plates?